Voyager - Exploration, Space, And The Third Great Age Of Discovery Page 47
Launius, Roger
Law of the Sea
Leahy brothers
Ledyard, John
Leibniz, Gottfried
Lewis, Meriwether
Lewis and Clark
boats of
Corps of Discovery
distance traveled by
point of departure
and Sacajawea
written reports of
Ley, Willy, The Exploration of Mars
Limited Test Ban Treaty
Linnaeus, Carolus
Livingstone, David
Lobo, Father Jerome, A Voyage to Abyssinia
Lomax, Alan
Lomberg, Jon
Long, James
Long, Stephen
Long Expedition (1819-21)
longitude, determining
Lowell, Percival
Lunik I and II
MacArthur, Robert
Mackenzie, Alexander
Magellan, Ferdinand
Armada de Molucca
death of
losses of
miseries of the crew
ships of
successes of
voyage as grand gesture
written accounts of voyage
Magellan mission to Venus
magnetophere, collision with
Mailer, Norman
Malaspina, Alejandro
Manuel I, king of Portugal
Marianas Trench
evolution of
Mariner 1’s failure to launch
Mariner 2
Mariner 4
Mariner 6 and 7
Mariner 9
Mariner 10
and Mars
as museum exhibit
and Venus
Mariner Jupiter/Saturn 1977 (MJS 77)
competition for
distance to
flybys of
Hohmann trajectories to
as island
launch window for
Mariner at
nomenclature of
photos of
as possible goal
potential settlement of
robotic experiences on
search for life on
Viking on
Marshall Space Flight Center
Mars Observer
Mars Study Committee
Martyr, Peter (Pietro Martire d’Anghiera)
Masursky, Harold
Matthes, François
Maupertuis, Pierre
Maury, Matthew, The Physical Geography of the Sea
Mawson, Douglas
Maximilian of Wied, Prince
Melchior (Indian interpreter)
Mendes Pinto, Fernão, Peregrinicão
Merritt Island, Florida
Michener, James
Miller, Stanley
Mimas (Saturnian moon)
Miner, Ellis
Minovitch, Michael
Miranda (Uranus moon)
Mississippi River
Missouri River
Greater Modernism
intellectual revolution of
and self-reference
and Third Great Age
voice of
Möllhausen, Heinrich
Monge, Gaspard
Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de
Apollo landing on
competition for
as obvious first objective
photos of and from
potential settlement of
Ranger on
rocks from
thinking beyond
tidal pull of
Voyager passing
Moon Treaty
Moore’s Law
Morabito, Linda
Moran, Thomas
More, Thomas, Utopia
Morison, Samuel Eliot
Morrison, Philip
Mount Chimborazo, Ecuador
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Muller, H. J.
Murchison, Roderick
Murray, Bruce
on luck
and Mars Study Committee
and Planetary Society
on robots
on space shuttle
on Voyager mission
Muscovy Company
Mutch, Tim
Nansen, Frijthof
Napoleon Bonaparte
approvals issued by
and budgets
bureaucracy of
charter of
fissures within
formation of
future direction of
geopolitical motives in
golden age of manned flight
and JPL
military vs. civilian aims of
mission controllers in
Office of Lunar and Planetary Programs
Office of Space Science and Applications
Outer Planets Working Group
and Project VEGA
and space shuttle
National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA)
National Air and Space Museum (NASM)
National Geographic
National Geographic Society
national sovereignty
Naval Research Laboratory
course corrections in
by dead reckoning
determining longitude
instruments of
orbit determinations
and pilotage
range of uncertainty
by stars
by the Sun
for Voyager
Navy, U.S.
assessment conference on
distance to
Grand Tour ending at
Grand Tour planning for
magnetosphere of
moons of
occultations of
photos of
preparation for
rings of
unknown details of
and Voyager 2
New Guinea
New Horizons, journey to Pluto
Newitt, Malyn
Newman, Barnett
Newton, Isaac
New World:
first discovery
idea of
New York Herald
Nicks, Oran
Nixon, Richard M.
North Atlantic, crossing
North Pacific Expedition
North Pole:
exploring parties to
first discovery
U.S. Navy at
see also Arctic
North Star
Northwest Passage
Nunki (star)
Nuttall, Thomas
Oahu Jack (Hawaiian interpreter)
Oberon (Uranus moon)
Oberth, Hermann
commercial exploitation of
“common heritage” principle in
as dominant habitat
exploration of
garbage in
and Great Voyages
Law of the Sea
manned submersibles
military priorities in
and national sovereignty
navigation and pilotage on
patterns of
and plate tectonics
and Second Great Age
and Third Great Age
Ocean Sea:
discovery of
passages across
Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Oliver, B. M.
O’Neill, Gerard
Oort cloud
Operation Highjumpr />
Operation Paperclip
Operation Windmill
Order of the Dolphin
Orgel, Leslie
O’Sullivan, Timothy
Outer Space Treaty
Owen, Tobias
Paine, Thomas O.
Pardo, Arvid
Paris Academy of Sciences
Park, Mungo
Parkes Radio Telescope
Parks, Robert J.
Parry, J. H.
Paterson, William
Pearl, John
Peary, Robert
Penn, William
Peter the Great, tsar of Russia
Pettengill, G. H.
Philip of Spain
Phoebe (Saturnian moon)
Piccard, Jacques
Pickering, William
and cold-war competition
and Explorer
and Grand Tour
on interplanetary discovery
and JPL
on Moon as objective
Pigafetta, Antonio
Pingrè, Alexandre-Guy
Pinzón, Captain
achievements of
and administration
in asteroid belt
design of
funding of
Grand Tour preparations
and gravity assist
and Jupiter
life support ended for
military sponsorship of
as museum exhibit
photos from
plaques of
and Pluto
Pulsed Image Converter System (PICS)
and Saturn
technological limits pushed by
and termination shock
and Uranus
Venus Orbiter
Pizarro, Francisco
Planet A
Planetary Society
Planets (Time-Life)
Planets, The (Silliman Lecture, 1951)
plate tectonics, theory of
Pliny, Natural History
distance to
mapping of
New Horizons journey to
and Pioneer
Plymouth Plantation
Poivre, Pierre
Ponce de León, Juan
Pope, Alexander, The Rape of the Lock
explorers from
and Lusíads
overseas empire of
paradigm of
and slave trade
Spain vs.
treaties with
volta do mar largo of
Pound, Ezra
Powell, John Wesley
President’s Science Advisory Committee
Preuss, Charles
Project VEGA
Promethean fire
Proteus (Neptune moon)
Provost, Etienne
Proxima Centauri
Przhevalsky, Nikolai
Ptolemy, Geographia
Puck (Uranus moon)
Purchas, Samuel, Purchas His Pilgrimage
Raleigh, Walter
Reagan administration, space program threatened by
Rechtin, Eberhard
Redstone rocket
relativity, test of general theory of
armadas of
and grand gesture
Great Voyages of
Rhea (Saturnian moon)
Rhodes, Cecil
exploration via
human crews vs.
in IGY
and modernism
museum exhibits of
protection for
purposes of
self-analysis and -adjustment of
spacecraft staffed by
Rocket and Satellite Research Panel
bombs vs.
evolution of
German V-2
Rosetta Stone
Ross, James
Ross 248 (star)
Rothko, Mark
Royal Geographical Society
Royal Society of London
Russell, Henry Norris
Russia, explorers from
Russian American Company
Ryan, Cornelius
Sagan, Carl
books by
career of
and Contact
and Cosmos
on extraterrestrial intelligence
and golden records
and photo images
as public voice of Voyager
Sagan, Linda Salzman
San Antonio
Santa Anna
Santa Maria
bow shock at
Cassini mission to
distance to
Grand Tour planning for
gravity assist from
and Great Conjunction
“ice planets” of
magnetosphere of
moons of
naming features of
photos of